Tunisia or the Republic of Tunisia is a country that is located in northern Africa, in this fascinating sandy country you can find many wildlife areas, so what dangerous animals in Tunisia you can find?

Tunisia is a part of the maghreb region in northern Africa. The country is bordered by Algeria to the West, Libya to the southeast, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and southeast. Tunis is the capital and where most of the people live as well as the other major cities across the country. Tunisia contains the end of the Atlas mountains and parts of the Sahara desert. The country has over 800 miles of coastline from the western part to the eastern parts of the Mediterranean basin. The country is home to the highest point in Africa popularly known as cape Angela. The people in the country are friendly, charming, and welcoming and it is among the most advanced Arab countries in northern Africa. The majority of the people speak Arabic well some speak French and English.

The country is rich in culture and diversity and it is known to have been inhabited by the Berbers since the 12th century. During a trip to the region find some of the exceptional architecture that dates centuries back during the Carthage empire as well as those of the French colony. In modern times the country is rooted in the culture and identity of different cultures from that of the Ottoman Empire as well as the Roman Empire. You are going to learn so much and this is the country because it gives you an opportunity to see how various kingdoms across the world operated in ancient times. You have the chance to explore the Mediterranean ocean as well as the desert mountains in the country.

Why visit Tunisia

While the country is relatively small in size, it is larger in terms of environmental diversity as well as the culture and diversity of the local people. Tunisia features mostly arid and semi-arid climates with parts of the Mediterranean Sea affecting the coastal climate. It is important that during a trip to the country he should always ensure that you know the areas that you are going to visit this way you can prepare liquidly for anything that might come up during the trip.

The changes in the climatic condition from the coastline in the Mediterranean Sea to that of the maghrib region create a perfect environment for different creatures to thrive. It is important that during our visit you should take your time to impress the different animals and creatures that you are going to find in the country. There are numerous salt lakes that I found in the country and you will get a chance to see some of the creatures that thrive in this harsh climate. Whether the country is relatively small it boasts a wide area of animals, birds, and plants in the world. The coastline of Tunisia provides a perfect environment for you to enjoy dolphin watching. There are national parks as well as game reserves that are almost some of the endangered species in the region. Here are some of the dangerous creatures are talking to encounter during a trip to Tunisia.

Horned Desert Viper

Perhaps this is one of the most dangerous snakes that you are going to find during your trip to Tunisia. The desert horned Viper is a one-of-a-kind snake that you are going to find in the region it is usually characterized by two horns that are on its head. Although they had that species of the same snake that has horns the Tunisian version usually that you are going to encounter them during exploration of the desert environment. They usually thrive in the desert climate and they are known to consume creatures such as mice, Lizards, among others.

Further reading: Dangerous animals in Botswana

This is usually venomous and whenever they feel provoked or when they attack, they usually release the venom which in turn caused effects on the victim. While it is not dangerous enough to kill an adult human being it is important to know that they usually cost tissue necrosis. The tissues that are affected by venom usually suffer from permanent damage. It is important that when are bitten by a snake you should seek immediate medical attention. Some of the symptoms of the bite include disorientation, loud, blurred vision, and eventually death for people who are immunocompromised.


Perhaps some of the animals that you are going to find in the Tunisian Oasis as well as the forest parts of Tunisia. They are known to thrive in the wild and you will find them in different parts of the country especially in the area as well there is regular rainfall. These creatures are known to have sharp horns they usually use to attack anything that comes to them.

Further reading: Dangerous animals in Tonga

They are known to inhabit the areas around the rivers, and Oases, among other parts of the country. When they have their young ones this gazelle to very dangerous because they are protective and will attack you with their sharp horns. In addition to this in the mating season, the males are also very dangerous because they are aggressive and wild. If we are going to explore the areas that these creatures inhabit is important that you keep a safe distance because they might attack you.

Egyptian Cobra

This is the next species that you are going to encounter during a trip to Tunisia. They are mostly found in Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, and other North African countries. They tend to be mysterious in nature and they are usually very volatile that whenever they are provoked, they are going to buy it and deliver the venom to the victim. they are known to cause a high number of deaths across the country. Their venom is usually concentrated and this causes failure of the respiratory system as well as that of the cardiac system. When this happens, you are likely to die of asphyxiation. It is important to know the areas inhabited by these creatures before traveling to these parts of the world you should always dress properly to prevent any attack from the snakes. They can grow up to five feet long they are known to have fangs which used to deliver venom to the victim.

According to recent information, a single bite from this neck is enough to kill an adult elephant in 90 minutes. This means that the venom from the snake is very dangerous that can kill another person within a matter of minutes. It is important that during a trip to the region you should always ensure that you are traveling to areas that are well known and that you do not interfere with them in the wild. Some of the side effects of the venom that this snake delivers include the following swelling of the bite area, diarrhea, nausea, fainting, convulsions, and eventually death.

North African Boar

The North African boy is similar to the wild boar however the intimate parts of northern Africa such as Tunisia and Morocco. These creatures usually resemble domestic pigs however they usually have tusks on their head. While they are not dangerous to human beings because they do not usually attack unless they are provoked it is important to keep a safe distance from them because they are very unpredictable animals.

They are usually herbivores and you will find them roaming in the wild around the country. It is essential to understand that these creatures are usually dangerous especially when they have the young ones around or during the mating season First off you should always keep a safe distance from them. However, if you are attacked by the North African boars then you should take immediate medical attention. They are known to be very quick and they can run very fast at about 30 mph. In most cases, they run very short distances very fast to escape their predators. They also carry large amounts of bacteria therefore you should not interact with them.

Striped Hyena

This is among the most dangerous creatures that you are going to see in Tunisia first of the striped hyenas Originally found in the wild in Tunisia especially the forest and the grassland region across the country full so it is important that during a trip we always ensure that you stay safe because while they are not known to attack people they usually do so when they are feeling angry or one you interfere with their habitat.

They are known to have sharp claws and teeth and we usually attack well you are not aware. they usually hunt in numbers therefore during a trip and you are likely to encounter them. it is important that you always keep a safe distance from them because you never know when they are going to attack.

Red Spitting Cobra

The red spitting cobra is one of the most dangerous next that you are going to find in Tunisia. It is similar to the Egyptian cobra they are known to have a highly important venom and it is important that during a trip to the region you should always ensure that you stay away from them. When they are threatened, these snakes are known to release their venom to the victim through bites.

They have fangs that are used to deliver the venom to the victim. Depending on the amount of venom that has been released that snake is going to cause tissue necrosis in the affected area or even death if the amount is high enough. During a trip to the region, it is important that you always stay far away from them although this snake does not really attack people unprovoked. You should try to know these areas properly during your travel to help prevent any attack from insects as well as snakes. They are known to grow up to five feet long and they have a large amount of venom it is used for protection they usually consume lizards, mice, and other rodents in the desert for stuff

Northwest African Cheetah

This is an iconic creature that is known to thrive in northern Africa. Cheetahs are an incredible species and they are known for their carnivorous hunting skills also there are some beautiful creatures that you are going to encounter during a trip in the region. They are often characterized by their stripes, beautiful far and sharp claws. There are subspecies of the regular cheetah that inhabit northern African countries.

They are found in national parks in Tunisia as well as the reserve in the country. During a trip to the area, it is important to keep a safe distance from them because they are wild and they are usually very territorial in nature and stuff whenever they feel that interfering with their habitat then they are likely to attack you. These cheetahs usually have impeccable vision and their hunting technique is exceptional. You should always ensure that you keep a safe distance, especially if you are going to travel to the areas that they inhabit. In some places, they are usually called the Sahara cheetahs.

African Wild Dog

The dog is one of the largest cannon creatures that you are going to encounter during a trip to Tunisia. They are known to thrive in the wild and although their numbers are dwindling it is important to note that they are very dangerous and territorial in nature and they are likely to attack you all over you and their habitat. These dogs have sharp teeth and they have number of bacteria therefore they are likely to infect you with rabies. Since these dogs have been under threat, they have become very aggressive in nature, and therefore you must stay away from them when traveling into their region.

In conclusion, Tunisia is the right country where you have the opportunity to explore some of the areas in the desert is no less get to know like creatures and animals that are found in the Mediterranean Sea. You can also try the cuisine and climb the mountains across the country.

Aurimas Bio

Hi there! I’m Aurimas, a man behind Go Look Explore. I’m passionate about hiking, exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations, and everything outdoors related. Let’s connect.