The colder climate of New York means that this state does not have as many snakes as other states that experience warmer climates. If you are into outdoor activities such as fishing, kayaking, hiking, or any other fun activity then there is a high chance that you are likely to interact with different kinds of snakes in the state of New York.

Here you could find yourself one on one with some of the legendary species. It is imperative that you always dress properly when you are exploring different parts of the state to ensure that you get the best from this region.

Here are some of the snakes that you are likely to encounter during your trip to the state of New York.

Eastern Garter Snake

The eastern garter snakes are the most common snakes that you are going to find in the state of New York. This snake is known to have a thin and slender shape with a bright dorsal stripe that runs throughout its body. They grow up to 4 feet long and they have large eyes.

These snakes are found in different parts of the state, so you are likely to encounter them especially if you are going to enjoy the outdoor environment. 

Learn more: Snakes in Lake Erie

Just like other garter snakes that are found across the state the eastern garter snakes usually thrive in wetter habitats. Hence you are going to find them along the rivers, ponds, lakes, and other sources of water across the state.

These snakes are known to consume a wide array of creatures including tadpoles, frogs, mice, rats, and lizards. While they may seem docile, you must stay far away from them because they can attack you whenever they are feeling threatened. These snakes are cold-blooded and they become active during the spring to autumn season.

Eastern Rat snake

These snakes are the most famous that you are going to find in the state of New York. They are black rat snakes and they are found almost everywhere in the New York City, because they usually consume rats, so you will find them in drainage and other moist areas. They grow up to 6 feet long and they have white necks, chins, and speckles on their backs. 

Ribbon Snake

The ribbon snake is another popular snake that you are going to find in the state of New York. These snakes are mainly semiaquatic and you are going to find them in the wetlands of the state. They consume a wide array of creatures ranging from frogs, fish, tadpoles, mice, rats, and lizards.

These snakes are nonvenomous. The ribbon snake comes in dark brown colors and they have a bright yellow stripe across the body.

Queen Snake

The queen snake is another most common snake species that you are going to find in the state of New York. It is always important that you are careful because these snakes tend to be very territorial and they will attack you whenever they feel threatened.

They vary in size, however, it is good to know that they a grow up to 24 inches long. They are mostly found in the western part of the state of New York. The queen snakes are characterized by their olive or dark brown color and they can have tan or cream-colored stripes that run down on their bellies.

The queen snakes have a specific dietary need and therefore you are going to find them in areas that are close to rivers with clean flowing water. They usually consume crayfish and other smaller fish, amphibians, as well as tadpoles

They are nonvenomous and nonaggressive snakes therefore you should not worry about them. 

Common Water snake

The common water snake is a popular species in the eastern part of North America. These snakes are known to thrive in the semiaquatic environment and you will find them in different areas, especially near the waterbodies. This will include rivers, ponds, and lakes.

They are known to consume a wide array of species such as toads, snakes, frogs, and amphibians. These snakes are heavy bodied and they can grow up to 5 feet long hence they can be dangerous.

These snakes usually come in different colors and with the most common colors being darker with reddish-brown bands on their neck and a few blotches on their backs. However, their young ones usually come in lighter colors and brighter colors when they begin to grow.

Although these snakes are nonvenomous and will look mild, it is imperative that you take care when you are exploring the different parts of the state of New York. The water snakes have venom or saliva that has anticoagulant which in turn will cause you to bleed for several minutes after the bite. 

DeKay’s Brown snake

This tiny brown snake is one of the common snakes that you are going to find in different parts of New York. These snakes usually like to thrive under logs, rocks, and leaf litter. They consume a wide array of creatures such as slugs, snails, and earthworms.

They can grow from 12 to 19 inches long. These snakes usually come in different colors such as tan, and brown, and have black dots along their dorsal stripes. They are nonvenomous and will not bite you. 

Eastern Hognose Snake

The eastern hognose snake is another legendary species that you are going to encounter during your trip to the state of New York. These snakes are specific in the region. You will find them in loose sandy soils, especially in farmlands, brush piles, logs, and under trees. The eastern hognose snakes tend to favor drier areas.

The snakes have an upturned nose and this is what gives them the name. They are most common in the eastern national parks of New York and they make a strange noise whenever they are feeling threatened. They come in different colors with a lighter base color being more common and dark blotches across the body very rare to be seen.

There are other grey, brown, and red individuals. The eastern hognose snake can grow up to 30 inches long and you will find them in their habitats consuming different creatures. They are rare fanged snakes therefore you should be careful because they have mild venom and will attack you at any moment. 

Eastern Milksnake

The eastern milksnake is often considered a nonvenomous and harmless snake. However, it is imperative to understand that they can defend themselves vigorously whenever they are feeling threatened. You should therefore watch out for these species because they can strike repeatedly whenever they are cornered. 

They come in different colors and they usually waggle their tail against dead leaves to scare any potential predator. The eastern milk snake is spread across the state of New York.

These snakes are very versatile and they can live in prairies, woodlands, swamps, open land, and even around grands. They can hide under logs, trees, and mulch.

If you are going to explore a farm in New York then there is a higher chance that you will encounter this species. They usually grow up to 71 inches long and they tend to be smaller in the northern climates.

Smooth green snake

The smooth green snake, or what is commonly called the green snake is a legendary species that you are going to interact with in the state of New York.

This snake is characterized by smooth scales that cover it and the bright green color allows it to adapt to its surrounding by hiding. The camouflaging technique of this snake is impeccable therefore you should watch out when you are exploring different places. 

These snakes are usually considered harmless and it is important to note that they can consume a wide array of creatures which in turn can be damaging to the species because they cause severe bodily harm.

They are mostly found in the grassland and wet areas of the state. They can grow up to 26 inches long.

Red-Bellied Snake

The red-bellied snake is among the top snakes that you are going to find in the state of New York. These snakes are known to inhabit different parts of the state and they come in different colors such as brown, dark gray, and black dorsal fins

In some cases, you are going to find species that have orange or bright red bellies. They are shy snakes and will be less likely to attack you and you will find them under dried leaves, and rotten logs among other moist areas.

When they are threatened, they usually curl up and they can try to wiggle their tail under the leaves to threaten you.

Aurimas Bio

Hi there! I’m Aurimas, a man behind Go Look Explore. I’m passionate about hiking, exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations, and everything outdoors related. Let’s connect.