The black snakes of Tennessee are some of the most common species that you are going to find in this state. There is a high chance that you will encounter them in the outdoor environments here.
Tennessee provides a perfect environment for different species to thrive and you must watch out for these creatures because they can be very dangerous.
While some of these black snakes do not usually seek out humans, it is imperative to note that they are venomous and will attack and cause fatalities. Some of them live happily in nature while others we can find in urban areas and other developments.
Here are some of the black snakes in Tennessee.
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Red-Bellied Mud Snake
The red-bellied mud snake is a unique species that you are going to find in this region and they are very thick snakes that can grow up to 4 feet long.
They are nonvenomous yet very dangerous species because they are known to kill via constriction. It is imperative that you stay far away from these species because whenever they are feeling threatened then they are likely to attack you.
They are characterized by heavy glossing on their backs as well as a checkered underside. These snakes are not only unique but you will also find them in different habitats around the state.
The red-bellied mud snake is found mostly in the streams and rivers and you will find most of them in the western part of the state and the lakes in the region.
These snakes are semiaquatic therefore you are going to find them in the waterbodies across the state. Their diets are made up of different species such as toads, frogs, salamanders, and lizards.
Eastern Coachwhip Snake
The eastern coachwhip snake is yet one another of the snakes that you are going to find in the state of Tennessee. It is important to understand that these snakes usually grow up to 60 inches long.
It is a type of black snake that you will find in the open habitats and sandy areas. The top of this reptile is black and the other half is brownish.
They usually consume a wide array of species such as reptiles, rodents, and small birds. You should watch out for them because they are very dangerous. After all, they can transfer dangerous bacteria to your body. You should seek immediate medical attention in a situation where you are bitten by this snake.
Eastern Black Kingsnake
The eastern black king snakes are found in most parts of the state of Tennessee and it is critical that you take your time to review some of the areas where you are likely to find these creatures.
They are known to inhabit forests, suburbs, and farmlands, and you can even find them near streams and swamps. They usually prefer to spend their time on land.
Learn more: King Snakes in Tennessee
It is important to understand that these snakes are capable of consuming some of the most venomous snakes in the US. They are mostly black with speckles of some light colors.
Eastern Hognose Snake
The eastern hognose snake is one of the snakes that you are going to find in the state of Tennessee. While these snakes are not exclusively black, it is important that you take your time to watch out for them because they can be very dangerous.
They have a unique nose and you should watch out for them during their brumation. During this period, they usually change into different colors.
They consume a wide array of species such as toads, frogs, salamanders, and lizards. It is therefore important to note that they can transfer the bacteria to your body from their food to what they consume.
Northern Ringneck Snake
The northern ringneck is one of the snakes that you are going to find in the state of Tennessee. They are known to grow up to 10 inches long. These snakes have greyish-black bodies.
They usually have black bodies and there is a characteristic of a color band on the region where the neck starts and this color is usually similar to that of their bellies.
The ringneck snake is relatively docile. However, when they are frightened then they are likely to attack you. They usually consume a wide array of creatures ranging from toads, frogs, salamanders, lizards, and other amphibians.
It is important to understand that this snake is endemic to North America. They can be spotted nesting together and it is essential that you watch out for them because they can be very dangerous during this time.
Black Rat Snake
The black rat snake is one of the snakes that you are going to find thriving in different parts of the state of Tennessee.
They have black eyes and body and they are among the largest snakes in Tennessee. They can grow up to 6 feet in length. Whenever they are threatened then they are likely to attack you and they mimic the rattling of the rattlesnake.
You will find them in the eastern part of Tennessee, and especially the areas around the Mississippi River. They spend most of their time up in the trees and therefore you should watch out for them from high up. They are constrictors, therefore, they have very huge muscles and they can crush your bones, hence, you should watch out for them.
Northern Cottonmouth
The northern cottonmouth snake is one of the most dangerous snakes that you are going to find in the state of Tennessee. These snakes are usually characterized by their large spade-shaped head with alternating bands of light patterns on their bodies.
The cottonmouth snakes are venomous aquatic reptiles that you should watch out for during your travel to the state. They are mostly found in the western part of the state. They are popularly known as the water moccasins they usually like to stay in slow-moving waters and these include lakes, wetlands, swamps, and rivers.
They are usually called the cottonmouth snake because of their whitish mouth interior that is seen when they open them when about to strike.
These snakes range from greyish to black. They usually do not attack humans, however, you should watch out for them because they can quickly attack if you harass them.
Speckled Kingsnake
The speckled kingsnake is a unique species that you are going to find in the state of Tennessee. You must avoid them because they are likely to cause harm to your body if you are not careful.
They are mostly found in the southwestern part of the state and they are black with yellowish dots on their body hence the name that they are given.
The kingsnake can consume a wide array of creatures such as toads, frogs, and salamanders.
Northern Black Racer
The northern racers are some of the iconic snakes that you are going to find in the state of Tennessee. These snakes are mostly found in the eastern part of the state and they usually rattle whenever they are threatened.
The most common northern racer that you are going to find in Tennessee is characterized by matte black colors while their underside comes in different colors such as grey among others.
These snakes are nonvenomous, however, they are known to be very aggressive and will defend themselves by biting you. You will find these snakes in different habitats and you must take your time to review the areas that you are likely to find them. These areas usually include fields, open woodlands, suburban areas, and even residential areas.
The snakes are known to mimic the rattlesnakes whenever they are threatened, they will rattle and defend themselves by striking their predator.
These snakes are not keen on the forests but like the grassland areas of the state.
They will not attack you unless you have provoked them. Their diet usually involves creatures such as toads, frogs, chipmunks, rodents, invertebrates, and mice.
Orange-Striped Ribbon Snake
The orange-striped ribbon snake is another species that you are going to find in the state of Tennessee. It is important to note that these snakes usually grow up to 30 inches long and you will find them in the western part of the state.
They have thin black bodies with light stripes and their backs are usually orange. These are semiaquatic creatures that you will find in different areas such as streams, ponds, rivers, and wetland areas.