Alabama is a state that is in located in the southeastern part of the United States of America, in this state you will find many interesting wild life areas, so what dangerous animals in Alabama you can find?

The state is bordered by Florida to the south, Georgia to the east, Tennessee to the north, Mississippi to the west, and the Gulf of Mexico to the south. It is the 30th largest state in the country and it has about 1500 miles of inland waterways.  The state is commonly called the cotton state and the camellia flower is the state’s plant. The largest city in Alabama is Montgomery and it is among the oldest cities that you are going to find in the state. Birmingham is the economic center and it is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the state. Over half of the land is part of the gulf coastal plain and it features a gentle plain, which descends towards the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi river.  The northern region of Alabama is characterized by mountains, valleys, and ranges, which create multiple rivers, streams, creeks, and lakes in the region. If you are exploring the United States and you want a chilled-out state where you can see different animals as well as enjoy fun outdoor activities then Alabama is the best location.

Alabama is one of the most forested states in the United States with two-thirds of forest cover across the total land of the state. This has created a perfect environment for different fauna and flora to thrive in the region. The climate in the region is perfect as the annual temperatures are about 64 degrees Fahrenheit and the state usually features a temperate climate. The southern part of the country is warmer when compared to the northern part. Alabama usually features very hot summers and mild winters with average precipitation throughout the year.  The region is prone to tropical storms and hurricanes hence you should watch out during your visit to the area. The Gulf of Mexico affects the amount of precipitation that the state receives. It is imperative that during your trip to the region you explore the reserve and forested parts of the country as it is home to some of the most amazing creatures.  During your trip to the region, it is important that you always check out the prevailing weather and climatic conditions to avoid adverse climatic conditions. Alabama is home to a wide array of creatures and here are some of the dangers that you are likely to encounter during your trip to the region.

Brown recluse spider

The climate of Alabama creates a perfect environment where different species thrive and spiders are some of the arachnids that you are going to find in Alabama. Perhaps some of the most dangerous spiders that you are going to encounter during your trip to the region is the brown recluse spider. This spider is known to inhabit different parts of the state, they usually grow up to 3/8 inches, and they are often in the northern part of the state. However, this does not mean that the south does not have these spiders.

Further reading: Dangerous animals in Michigan

The southern part of Alabama is home to a few of the brown recluse spiders and they are known to adapt to different climatic conditions.  This feature has made them very dangerous because you are likely to encounter them in different parts of the state. They like to hide in different places ranging from storage boxes, bedding, shoes, and basements among others. The brown recluse spider is known to bite and deliver very dangerous venom to the victim. Here are some of the symptoms of venom when it bites. Tissue necrosis, intense pain, burning sensation, difficulty breathing, and hallucinations among other side effects. You must seek immediate medical attention if you are bitten by this spider.

Kissing bug

The kissing bug is one of the insects that you are going to encounter during your trip to Alabama. They are often found thriving in different habitats across the state ranging from the grassland to the forested parts of the state. It is essential to carry an insect repellant spray during your travel to this part of the world because it will help you avoid bites. The kissing bugs are known to bite around the lip area and this is very dangerous because they often spread bacteria and pathogens that cause Chagas disease and trypanosomiasis.

They usually leave behind droppings on the bite area and this is what continues to cause infection and swelling of the wound. It is important that if you are bitten by the kissing bug then you seek immediate medical attention.


An Alligator in Michigan

These are some of the iconic creatures that you are likely to encounter during your trip to Alabama. They are often found in the wetlands across the state and it is imperative that during your trip to the region always watch out for them.

The alligators have very sharp teeth and are very muscular hence can attack you and cause danger to your vital organs.  If you are going for a swim in the fresh waters in the river or lakes across the state of Alabama, it is important that you watch out for them. However, if you are attacked by these creatures then you should seek immediate medical attention.

Cottonmouth snakes

The legendary cottonmouth snake is native to Alabama and here you will encounter them during your trip to the region. The best way that you can know that, it is the cottonmouth snake is the triangular-shaped head and the reddish-brown color. Depending on the region that you are visiting you are going to find the colors of this snake usually vary.  They are the most commonly seen snakes across the state. It is important that during your trip you avoid the areas that are inhabited by these snakes.

They usually like moist and shaded areas hence you are likely to find them in the forests and gardens across the state. They also like to thrive in areas with overgrown grass, hedges, and along streams. When they bite these snakes usually has venom, which causes swelling on the bite site, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, sweating, blurred vision, and eventually death. It is essential to note that this snake is very dangerous, especially for people with compromised immune systems.

Timber Rattlesnake

The timber rattlesnake is a creature that is commonly found in Alabama. These snakes are often found in all the counties of Alabama hence the need to be very careful when exploring different parts of the state.  They are usually characterized by their broad head and narrow body. It is important to understand that the color of this snake usually varies depending on the location where you are going to find them. Some of the common colors include black, pink, yellow, and other color variations.

Some of the most common areas where you are going to find this snake is the lowland areas, hardwood forests, flatlands, and the forests of the country. They are usually calm. However, whenever they are provoked, they are likely to attack you. It is important you stay away from them because they are likely to attack you. Whenever they are provoked, they are going to attack you and bite therefore delivering dangerous venom that will cause organ failure. Some of the symptoms of venom include fever, nausea, blurred vision, difficulty breathing, and eventually death when an antivenom is not administered.

Wild Boars

Wild boar

This is one of the most common creatures that you are going to find in different parts of Alabama. It is essential to know that you will find wild boars in all the counties of Alabama.  They usually like to inhabit areas that are covered by forests as well as dense vegetation. It is important that you should not interfere with their habitat because they are likely to attack you.

They have tusks and these are used for digging as well as attacking anything that comes to them. When they have piglets with them then they are likely to attack you hence the need to always keep a safe distance from them. In addition, they are carriers of dangerous bacteria and pathogens, which are known to cause dangerous diseases and infections.

Black Widow Spiders

black widow

When it comes to spiders the state of Alabama creates a perfect for different spider species to thrive in the region. The black widow spider is one of the most dangerous spiders that you are going to encounter during your trip to the state. Just as the name indicates this is a spider with black hairs on its body and they are often distinguished by the region in which you will find them.

The northern and southern black widow spider. It is essential that you watch out for them because whenever they bite, they usually deliver very dangerous venom to your system. Venom is known to affect the central nervous system. This neurotoxin is dangerous because it will affect the transfer of information from one neuron to another. When this happens to the respiratory system the process is impaired and this leads to death. You must see immediate medical attention during your trip to Alabama.

Black Bears

Black bears are some of the animals that are native to the state of Alabama. It is essential that when you are exploring this state, you should ensure that you watch out for these bears. They are mostly found in the western part of Alabama and can be seen on the outskirts of Birmingham. Bear sightings have increased in the recent past and you must watch out for them during your trip to Alabama. It is important that you explore the state with a tour guide if you do not know the areas. Ideally, black bears usually rarely eat meat they tend to live off the grass, fruits, and herbs. While the pictures that are spread online and in other places make them appear cute and cuddly, you should avoid them by all means.

Black bears are known to be very dangerous creatures you should not mingle with them. If you encounter them during your trip to the area, it is essential that you seek help. You should not provoke them or interfere with their habitat. They have sharp teeth and claws, which are known to pierce through bones and tissues causing death. They can also run at about 30 miles per hour hence the need to be careful.


Perhaps this is the least of the creatures that you expected to encounter during your trip to Alabama. It is imperative to note that there are numerous dogs across the state and you should watch out. It is important that you are wary of your situation when exploring the different parts of the state. Dog bites are known to cause rabies especially if the dogs are not vaccinated against the disease. Always ensure that you put your safety first as this will allow you to have an exceptional trip to Alabama.



These are by far the most common creatures that you are going to find in the state of Alabama. They are very tiny yet very dangerous creatures that usually like to thrive in wetland areas. The female anopheles’ mosquito is known for its ferocity in spreading malaria and you must avoid areas that are infested by these mosquitoes. They usually bite in the morning, evening, and at night.

They like dark and damp areas and when looking for accommodation you should ensure the location is free from mosquitoes. In addition to this, you should always ensure that you have an insect repellant that you can apply to your skin. When you do this, you will avoid the bites from mosquitoes. There are other dangerous infections and pathogens that can cause severe infections such as the zika virus, chikungunya, or even dengue fever.


Aurimas Bio

Hi there! I’m Aurimas, a man behind Go Look Explore. I’m passionate about hiking, exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations, and everything outdoors related. Let’s connect.