Snakes in Myanmar are found in many habitats from tropical forests to dry, open woodlands. There are over 200 species of snakes, ranging from small blind snakes to large pythons and cobras.
Myanmar is the largest country by the mainland in Southeast Asia and Association of about 55 million.
The country is important by China to the North East, India, and Thailand to the east and southeast, Bangladesh to the northwest, the Andaman Sea as well as the Bay of Bengal to the southwest. The capital of Myanmar is Yangon or Rangoon depending on the history that you know about this region.
The region has been inhabited since the 9th century and it has undergone tremendous changes over the centuries to what is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Southeast Asia.
When planning to go on vacation in the far east it is imperative that you consider Myanmar because you are going to see some of the unique fauna and flora that are only found in this part of the world.
Burmese language and culture are pretty common in this part of the world and during your trip to the region, you will learn more about the history and diversity of the country.
Myanmar is one of the most exquisite locations if you are going to the far east to explore some of the most amazing coastlines and unique features.
The country has about 1200 miles of uninterrupted coastline, which means that you are going to explore some of the most phenomenal places on the planet. You have the best experience when you can check out the Bay of Bengal as well as the Andaman Sea.
Myanmar is covered by numerous rivers and during your trip to the region, you will see the fauna and flora that thrives across the state. There are three river systems in the country and this creates a unique experience for different creatures to thrive in the region.
Perhaps the climatic conditions of Myanmar are characterized as humid subtropical and this means that there are so many creatures that can thrive in this region.
Some of the most dangerous snakes are found in the country and it is important that when you are exploring the different parts of the country you should always exercise caution. Here are some of the snakes that you are likely to find in Myanmar.
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Banded Krait
The banded krait is one of the most popular snakes in the state of Myanmar that is usually found in the dense forest as well as the woodlands in the country. It is important to note that while this snake might seem colorful and you might be tempted to get close to it or catch it, it is a highly venomous snake that can deliver a very highly potent venom.
They are known to consume a wide array of creatures ranging from fish, lizards, cats, rodents, and other smaller snakes. It is imperative that when you are exploring the different parts of Myanmar then you should watch out for these dangerous snakes.
Some of the symptoms of the venom from the banded krait include hallucinations, excruciating pain, swelling, failure of the central nervous system as well as hyper-allergic reactions.
It is considered one of the most beautifully patterned snakes that you are going to find in Myanmar. They are usually very active early in the morning and late in the evening when searching for food.
Yellow-bellied sea snake
This should not be confused with the yellow-bellied sea krait.
This is a totally different species and you are going to find it in tropical waters except in the Atlantic Ocean.
They are highly venomous species and it is characterized as one of the most widespread snakes in the world.
The colors of these snakes usually vary from black, yellow, or brown below and you will see different black spots.
They are perfect at adapting to sea living and they have tails that can paddle them in the water. You should avoid them because they bite and deliver very dangerous venom to your body.
Black spitting cobra
This is a legendary species that you are going to encounter during your trip to Myanmar.
These snakes are known to inhabit different parts of the state, especially in the mountainous region and the well-forested parts. It is important to note they are very active especially at night and in the evening.
They usually like cooler places such as in the drains, shelters, and garden walls among others. It is important to note that whenever they are threatened, they usually aim the venom at the victim’s eyes. It is therefore critical that during your trip if you are affected by the venom from this snake then you should ensure that you wash your eyes.
It is essential to note that the poison usually spreads and it is known to affect different parts of the body thereby causing difficulty breathing and even death.
Monocled cobra
This is one of the most dangerous snakes that you are going to encounter during your trip to Myanmar.
They are known to grow up to 6 feet long and they have exceptional precision hence the need to be very careful, especially when exploring different parts of the state.
During your visit to Myanmar, these cobras are known to thrive in the wild, especially in the dense forests as well as the mountainous regions of the country. It is important that you watch out for them and always ensure that you dress properly with proper safety boots to prevent any attack from these creatures.
The colors of these snakes may vary from black, yellow brown, or with defined crossbands.
They usually have two anterior fangs that are used to deliver the venom to the victim. I
t is therefore important to ensure that you do not interfere with their habitat because they are going to bite you and deliver the dangerous venom to your system.
They are mostly found in rice paddy fields and even in burrows on residential buildings. They are active in the evening and early in the morning.
King cobra
Myanmar is home to some of the legendary snake species that you are going to find in southeast Asia.
These snakes are known to consume lizards, rodents, and other snakes. It is important that during your trip to the region, you should watch out for these species because they can be very venomous and can result in fatalities.
Unlike others, these are usually active during the day and they usually prefer high-elevation areas where they can consume a wide array of animals. they are notoriously known across the world for their exceptional technique of biting people and spreading venom.
The king cobra is usually aggressive and very territorial in nature hence you should be very careful especially if you are going to explore different parts of the state. When they are about to attack, they will stand tall at about 6 feet tall with their hood out and the fangs ready to throw the poison.
There is a higher chance you will hear a hissing sound before this snake bites you. It is important that you always keep a safe distance from such creatures because they can cause death if they bite you.
Burmese Python
The Burmese python is one of the species that you are going to find in Burma.
You must avoid the areas that are inhabited by these snakes because they are known to cause severe effects on humans. While they might not be venomous, they are known to carry a large number of bacteria which in turn causes severe infections to your body resulting in damage to your vital organs.
Further reading: Dangerous animals in China
They can weigh up to 200 pounds and they are known to consume creatures twice their size. They are usually found in the grassland and forest areas of Burma and it is important that you watch out for these species.
It is recommended that you always keep a safe distance from different creatures that are likely to cause a threat to your life.
Oriental Whip Snake
The oriental whip snake is a venomous snake that is known to have mild venom; however, it is essential to note that this venom can be very dangerous especially if you are dealing with people who are highly allergic.
They usually consume a wide array of creatures ranging from frogs, lizards, birds, and other reptiles in the wild. It is therefore important that when you are exploring the different parts of the state you should watch out for these creatures, especially in the woodland parts of the country.
It is imperative to note that these snakes are very venomous and you should not get near them.
Whenever they bite, they deliver venom that is known to cause paralysis of the central nervous system and this will lead to difficulty breathing as well as malfunction of vital organs.
Chinese tree viper
This is a legendary snake that is found in Myanmar and you must keep a safe distance to avoid bites from these snakes.
They usually come in different names depending on the region that you are going to visit. It is always essential that you take care especially if you are exploring areas that you do not know.
Further reading: Sharks in Puerto Rico
Always take your time to go with a tour guide if you do not know an area properly.
This will reduce instances of snake bites. This is a venomous pit viper that is known to thrive on trees and other grassland areas of Myanmar. It is imperative that you stay far away from the areas that are inhabited by these creatures.
The Chinese tree viper is characterized by dark green to bright green colors with some whitish and yellow markings on their bodies.
It is important to note that this snake can move from one tree to the next using their adaptable coil-able bodies.
Mangrove snake
Just as the name indicates this snake is mostly found in areas where there are mangrove forests. It is important that you take your time to review some of the places that you are going to visit because there is a high chance that you might encounter them during your trip to the region.
Myanmar is highly a subtropical region and it is having numerous waterbodies around the area, therefore, the chances of you encountering these creatures are very high.
You must take your time to review the places that you will visit to avoid interfering with the habitats of these creatures.
They have little venom which can cause lesions, swelling as well as allergic reactions hence the need to be very careful.
Yellow-lipped Sea krait
There is a high chance that you are going to encounter this creature during your trip to Myanmar. They are known to thrive in different habitats across the state and it is important that you stay away from them and their habitats.
They are characterized by their yellow color on the lips and they can grow up to 6 feet long.
They have black stripes and yellow snouts and their tail is equipped for swimming in the water.
They are highly venomous snakes and you should ensure that you avoid the habitats where these creatures usually inhabit. According to data the venom from this snake is neurotoxic and this causes failure of the central nervous system.
You must stay far away from these species.
White-lipped pit viper
The white-lipped viper is a dangerous snake that you should be wary of if you are going to explore different parts of Myanmar. This snake is characterized by their white-colored lips and they are often found in different environments across the state.
They can grow up to 3 feet long and they are known to bite precisely delivering a high amount of venom which in turn causes paralysis and the dysfunction of the central nervous system. It is an endemic creature that is only found in Southeast Asia.
It is essential to note that you should not interfere with their habitat because they are known to attack at any moment.
They usually have a ventrolateral stripe that is light depending on the region where you are going to find them. It is important that you take your time to explore some of these areas and keep a safe distance from these snakes because they can cause havoc.
In conclusion, Myanmar is a perfect holiday destination if you are looking for a tropical country in Southeast Asia. It is important that you are aware of your surroundings to avoid interaction with some of the dangerous snakes in the area.