There are different snakes that you are going to find in the state of Utah that find home in some of the most unique mesas, bluffs, arches, gullies, and canyons. It is a beautiful state that has stunning rock formations and amazing mountains that have undergone centuries of erosion and climatic changes.
The state of Utah is home to some of the legendary native snakes and you are going to see some of the species that can only be found in Utah. The rocky landscape, semi-desert, and mountains are some of the habitats that have more than 30 snake species.
Here are some of the unique snakes that you will find in Utah.
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Rubber Boa Snake
The rubber boa snake is one of the top snakes that you are going to find in Utah.Rubber boa snake is nonvenomous and they have a unique way of catching its prey and this is by constricting. The boa snakes constrict and they usually get their prey and tie themselves around it before they can squeeze very hard.
They are made up of very strong muscles and a stout body which means that they can squeeze them tightly until they suffocate them. While they do not issue a high threat to humans, they are usually laidback snakes and it will take a while before you can upset them.
Learn more: Dangerous animals in Utah
The rubber boa snakes are characterized by their glossy olive appearance and their scales are quite unique with some rubber kind of finish. They grow up to 3 feet long and you will find them on the rocky sides of the state.
Speckled Rattlesnake
The speckled rattlesnake is another species that you should watch out for them because they are venomous. They are unique because they are venomous and the venom that these snakes produce usually has a major effect on the central nervous system.
They come in different colors such as light gray and with black markings. These colors are very critical because it helps them to blend in the environments that they are inhabiting.
You will find them in the rocky parts of the state and some of the arid and semi-arid areas.
Western Terrestrial Garter Snake
The western terrestrial garter snake is another species that you are going to find in the region and they are mostly common in southwestern Utah. These snakes are found in the pine valley mountains and Zion National Park.
They come in different colors, however, the most common colors are grey, brown, and tan. These snakes usually move from one location to another and they consume a wide array of species such as lizards, frogs, and toads.
While they can seem to be docile, these creatures are very dangerous and you should watch out for them. They usually feel threatened and they can attack at any moment because they are territorial in nature.
Sidewinder Snake
The sidewinder snake is a unique snake that you will find in the state of Utah and they are sometimes called the horned snake because their head shape is unique that it looks like it has two horns.
The snake is known by this name because of how it moves. As the name indicates it moves from side to side forming an S shape. This is what has resulted in them being called the sidewinder.
This sideways propulsion technique is very effective because they are largely found in the hot sand. The S shape allows the snake to move freely on the loose sandy soil and have as much contact with the ground.
They consume a wide array of creatures and it is essential that you watch out for them when you are exploring different parts of the state of Utah because they have a little poison and when delivered in a high amount it can fail vital organs.
Gopher Snake
The gopher snake is some of the legendary snakes that you can find in Utah. These snakes are known to grow up to 7 feet long and they come in different colors ranging from dark grey to dark brown.
It is important to note that these snakes are capable of climbing trees. Therefore, you should avoid the habitats where they are found. However, in most cases, you will find them hiding under rocks, trees, and other dark places, avoiding excessive heat from the arid climate.
When you are exploring the different parts of the state of Utah then you should watch out for these snakes even on trees because they can attack from the top. While these creatures are not aggressive in nature you should always ensure that you watch out for them because when they are cornered then they are likely to attack you.
Midget Faded Rattlesnake
The midget faded rattlesnake is another iconic snake that you are going to find in the state of Utah. These snakes are often found in the wide habitat in the region and they are small snakes that can grow up to 3 feet long.
While some might think because of the name they are small, however, they are bigger than the pygmy snakes and they usually have a mottled appearance which makes them appear faded. They come in different colors and the most common is reddish brown, tan, or yellow.
It is one of the deadliest snakes and you should avoid interfering with their habitat by all means because they are aggressive and will attack whenever they are feeling threatened. The venom is highly potent and they can cause death when they bite.
Milk Snake
The milk snakes are some of the common snakes in the mountainous regions of Utah. During your exploration, you will find these brightly bold-colored snakes that mimic the highly venomous coral snakes.
However, it is important to note that the milk snake is not venomous in nature and they have two thin bands bordering their wide red bands at the back. They consume a wide array of species such as lizards, frogs, and toads among others.
These snakes are not dangerous because they would rather flee than to attack you.
Great Basin Rattlesnake
This is a legendary snake that you are going to find in the southwestern part of Utah. These snakes are venomous and you should ensure that you stay away from them because they are likely to cause harm to your body.
They are characterized by their primary color which can be yellow, brown, tan, and grey with dark brown markings. These snakes grow up to 4 feet long and they tend to be very perfect to blend with their surroundings hence you are likely to disrupt them during your travel to the region.
They have impeccable senses and they will know that you are closer to them even before you can see them. If you encounter this venomous snake then you should take proper precautions to avoid them attacking you. The venom from the snake is known to cause paralysis of the central nervous system. When this happens it can cause failure of vital organs such as the liver, lungs, and the heart.
Mojave Green Rattlesnake
This is a venomous snake that you are going to find in the state of Utah. They are found in the extreme western region of the state. Since the Mojave green rattlesnakes can be very dangerous than the midget faded rattlesnake, you should be very careful when you are exploring the Mojave Desert.
Mojave green rattlesnake has a very concentrated and highly potent venom. They come in different colors that are complementary to their natural habitat. One thing that you must know about the venom from the Mojave green rattlesnake is that once they have delivered the venom you will not feel the symptoms until it has affected your entire system.
Once it kicks in it will cause instant death and failure of vital organs. You should always have a perfect place where you can seek immediate medical attention in case you are bitten by a Mojave green rattlesnake.
Sonoran Lyre Snake
The Sonoran lyre snakes are usually smaller snakes and they can grow up to 4 feet long. Like other snakes in the desert, they come in different colors such as grey, brown, and tan. These colors play a critical role for the snakes because it allows them to blend in with the environment easily, especially near the rocks and other features.
In addition to this, they usually mimic the dangerous rattlesnakes which in turn protects them from harmful predators. These snakes usually flee, they will not attack you. However, when they are cornered then they are likely to attack you and bite you.
Night Snake
The night snake is another species that you will find in the state of Utah and they are often found in the Red Cliffs Desert region and other parts of the state. The night snake grows about 2 feet long and they come in different colors such as dark brown, and dark gray among others.
While they are nonvenomous, you must watch out for them during your exploration of the area. They usually hunt at night and you are likely to encounter them during your morning jog or in the evening. If you handle them, they are likely to bite you.
Hopi Rattlesnake
The Hopi rattlesnake is one of the legendary snakes that you are going to find in Utah. They are similar in shape to the prairie rattlesnakes and they are nocturnal creatures that you will find early in the morning or the evening. Hopi rattlesnakes are likely to flee before you interact with them because they do not attack unless they are provoked.
These snakes are venomous and it is critical that you should watch out for them because they have venom that when they attack will cause failure of vital organs.