Swiss Birthday Traditions – How Does a Regular Celebration Look?

Swiss birthday traditions

A birthday is a tradition where people mark and celebrate the anniversary of their birth. The fun fact is that birthdays are often celebrated differently across the globe. Swiss birthday traditions differ from celebration traditions in other countries and it’s always handy to know how to prepare a birthday party for your Swiss friend or family. 

How Does a Traditional Swiss Birthday Look Like?

A birthday is celebrated to mark the number or the time that you have spent in the world. The essence is that you have managed to add another year to your life, created more memories, learned new aspects, gained a lot of experience, and met new people as things have changed from your last birthday. It is the time that you should take time to spend with your family and loved ones and friends as you mark a time where you plan to achieve more in the upcoming year.

Birthdays are unique because they provide you with a chance to look at the time you have spent since you were young. Birthdays are usually a fantastic experience, and in Switzerland, birthdays are celebrated differently from one region to another. The essence of a birthday is to celebrate their life and spend some quality time with their loved ones. If you are going to celebrate a birthday in Switzerland, then there are different aspects that you should put into consideration. Many people will count down towards their birthdays whenever they have something that they want to embrace and celebrate.

Celebrating Birthday in Switzerland

Swiss birthday party

The Swiss have a unique way of celebrating birthdays. The birthday parties are often held depending on the age of the individuals. For children, they usually have parties where cake and games are also included, being invited to such parties is a huge deal for kids; therefore, many will invite as many friends as possible. Depending on the day of the birthday, school day birthday parties are often held in the evening for a short period before they are allowed to go to their houses. 

Further reading: Learn about Swiss Business culture and be sure to get appropriate gifts for business partners and colleagues.

As an invitee, you are required to bring a birthday gift to your friend, whether it is toys or anything that they like. It is a perfect time where you can embrace diversity and check out what others are doing. 

Traditional Birthday Games

There are different types of games that are played during birthdays in Switzerland, and depending on the region that you are celebrating from then a common one is eating chocolate. In this game, the attendees are allowed to roll a dice, and if they roll six, they are allowed to eat a bar of Swiss chocolate. However, this game is not as simple as it seems. Once you roll a six, you will have to put on a cap, scarf, and open and eat the cake using a fork and knife. While eating and one of the attendees rolls a six, you give up everything, including the cake.

Another popular game is eating Mohrechöpf, which is some sort of chocolate covered in marshmallows. You are blindfolded, and you will be required to feed your opponent while the blindfold is on. This game is unique depending on the region that you are located.

Gift Giving

Birthday gifts

Once the birthday games are done, gifting is often done at this point, you will unleash your gifts to the birthday boy or girl. It is a custom to open gifts while the guests are presents and give a little speech. It is an essential part of the birthday party because you will have to thank your friends for the gifts and the time they attended the birthday party.

If you’re not sure what to buy as a gift to your Swiss friend, be sure to check out the Swiss souvenir list. You can’t miss going with any gift from the list!

Cake Eating

Birthday cake

Once the birthday boy or girl has opened the presents, the next common step is to go to the last event, cutting the cake. Before the cake is cut, the person celebrating the birthday will make a wish then cut the cake. In most cases, the cake cut during the birthday, the cake depends on the person’s taste and preference for celebrating the birthday. People can begin singing happy birthday songs during this period.

Pictures can be taken and the cake shared with everyone present at the event. The party does not end at celebrating from home or at a kid’s friendly location for adults. Some people prefer to hold their birthday parties in restaurants or bars across various cities. However, the standard procedure is as indicated earlier.

If you’re looking to prepare a non-traditional cake, be sure to check what are the most delicious Swiss traditional deserts and pick one from the list.

There is no better way to celebrate your birthday following Swiss birthday traditions without committing to doing an act of kindness or goodness. It is imperative to note that adding one year to your life is not easy; hence, many people in Switzerland will commit to offering an act of kindness to charity or people in need. The diversity of how people celebrate birthday parties varies from one country to another and as indicated, the Swiss have a unique way of celebrating theirs. If you plan to join them, then the perfect way is to

Aurimas Bio

Hi there! I’m Aurimas, a man behind Go Look Explore. I’m passionate about hiking, exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations, and everything outdoors related. Let’s connect.