Christmas marks one of the most important days in the calendar of Lithuanians. Since the country is majorly a Christian nation, the majority of the people value Christmas, and they have kept the tradition on top of their list. The season marks a time when families gather together and celebrate […]
Tag: customs
Christmas in Iceland – Learn About Customs & Traditions
Christmas is a huge occasion, and it is celebrated across the world as a memory of the birth of Jesus Christ. The celebration is usually associated with many feasts and parties across the globe, and Iceland is not left behind either. Christmas is a time for friends and family to […]
Christmas in Liechtenstein – Learn About Customs and Traditions
Christmas is an event that is celebrated annually across the world, and it is a commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The event is usually held on the 25th of December every year, and the observance goes back to 273 AD. Christmas is both a worldwide cultural and sacred […]
Learn Everything About Swiss Wedding Traditions
A wedding ceremony is an essential event in the life of any individual. It marks a time where two individuals decide to marry and stay with each other. During this period, vows are taken, and both parties are expected to withhold their vows for better or worse. The first evidence […]