Tag: Traditions

Swiss wedding traditions
Visit Switzerland

Learn Everything About Swiss Wedding Traditions

A wedding ceremony is an essential event in the life of any individual. It marks a time where two individuals decide to marry and stay with each other. During this period, vows are taken, and both parties are expected to withhold their vows for better or worse. The first evidence […]

Coffee in Austria

Everything You Need to Know About Coffee in Austria

Austria is a popular destination in Europe, and they are known for their coffee culture because of the Kaffeehäuser or coffee houses. In Austria, coffee culture is unlike other parts of the world, where people buy coffee as a takeaway or something they drink when they wake up. Austrians have […]

Easter in Austria

Easter in Austria – Learn About Customs and Traditions

Easter in Austria is one of the most critical events in a country since the majority of Austrian people follow Christian traditions. Also, the Easter period marks the beginning of the spring season. It is the season that many people go out for fun activities and visit different locations. The […]

Christmas traditions in Switzerland
Visit Switzerland

9 Unique Christmas Traditions in Switzerland

There are numerous Christmas traditions in Switzerland that you can be part of and enjoy your time to the fullest. The swiss are exceptional when it comes to Christmas, you will realize it is Christmas even without being told. The streets will be full of Christmas decorations and lights. There […]